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is there any help for my boyfriend? Meth user

so, my boyfriend is 19 years old and he's been on crystal meth since he was 14, we've been together 2 years now, it doesn't give him energy like it does most others, it makes him think a lot and causes depressin in him, we argue a lot when he goes to get high with his friends,I refuse to leave him, we've been separated once already because of the legal system for a little while and I want to either wait it out or just accept him for who he is like he wants me to, my thing is, he thinks about the past problems we've had in our relationship during his high and he gets upset or angry and tries to break up with me, when he's sober he's so sweet and loving towards me, it kills me to have to deal with this, he wants to stay high every day, he has no job, his mom and brother support his habit which makes it worse, is there anything at all I can do to help him besides leave him?

Posted: 09/26/2017 6:10 PM

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In Response to: is there any help for my boyfriend? Meth user

You need to walk away and don't look back! He is hell on Earth, looking for another high, and who he can mooch off of to get it! He is  addicted to meth, and nothing, and I mean NOTHING comes above meth to him! He would rather sell you, rob his grandparents, have his parents robbed, possibly arsen......whatever it takes to get money to get his fix. His ONLY love is meth. He doesn't work? How is he paying to get high every day? He is getting money somewhere. Have you noticed things missing? Money from your purse? Pawnable items missing?? Meth isn't free. He must be stealing if not working. Think about it.......Meth turns good people into someone you do not know at all anymore. Just go and don't look back. He will suck you dry, and drag you down with him.....

Posted: 09/26/2017 8:26 PM

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In Response to: is there any help for my boyfriend? Meth user

you know, I appreciate you trying to help but he isn't stealing from me or anybody I know, his mom and brother and 2 of his friends are his enablers as far as I know right now, his moms on it just as bad as he is

Posted: 10/01/2017 12:29 PM

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In Response to: is there any help for my boyfriend? Meth user

Leaving him isn't going to help him.  It's going to help you. 

Posted: 10/22/2017 6:12 PM

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