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Post traumatic stress disorder?
Thanksgiving was tough for me but not for the usual reasons among our little group here. The day went as well as could have been hoped giving my son's problems, the order restraining my son from contact with my daughter and Alzheimers in the two surviving members of the older generation. Man, could it ever have been worse. Instead of feeling OKAY, however, I am feeling weepy, anxious, demoralized, and like a phoney. In fact, I have intrusive weeping again, something I associate with the worst days of my various depressions, so I am lurking about in my house hoping nobody notices. Almost four years ago, I retired early because of problems like intrusive weeping, poor concentration, sudden inability to organize myself, poor sleeping and so on. My fears of my son feeling so lonely when he spends holidays alone that he does something crazy or even tries to kill himself are very acute. Yet I cannot in effect reject my daughter; I support her wanting to have a restraining order. She is five months pregnant. When the children were small, we were such a united family and I felt OK about myself in spite of my own Dickensian childhood. Now everything seems to be piling up on me -- intrusive memories from the distant as well as the recent past, intrusive weeping, lack of concentration. Do other people have these problems? Today, it's been in the absence of a particular trigger, so I am alarmed about my own mental health in light of my age especially.

Posted: 11/28/2014 3:32 PM

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