
This is the place to get it all out! Tell us what's on your mind. What's the worst thing you've done for your addiction? What's the worst thing that's happened to you because of your addiction? How have you been affected because of someone else's addiction? How has your life as an addict affected the ones you love? Reading and writing these confessions help us realize the impact that the addictions have over all of us. When posting your confession, you can choose to remain anonymous or let others see your profile name as to bring about discussions.

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Helping my daughter, helping my son
My daughter's baby's hip has problems, so she has to wear a harness to make the hip socket strong. She is 11 weeks old. The day the baby turned 10 weeks old, my daughter fell on steep stairs (attending a baby shower at a doctor's house!) and her finger got caught on the support of the wrought iron hand rail. She spent eight hours in an emergency room, but happily she still has her finger. She also knows what the bone and tendons on her finger look like. Pretty terrible, but she has her mother to help her and her husband out with caring for the child. It may be that the harness will come off the baby in two weeks, the cast off the finger about the same time. Helping her, while not a pleasure ALL the time, is healthy, validating, and necessary. Therefore it is easy, and I am easy in my mind about it. But helping my son? So painfully different. He still stumbles from crisis to crisis -- you can't go through life mentally impaired without consequences. His employer appears to be clearing out the non-performers -- one person fired last Friday. My son has been given what is probably a final warning -- as though the firing of his co-worker was not a enough. If he loses his job, he did it to himself by being late way too often and possibly by screwing up due to being high. I suppose I should be amazed he's lasted as long as he has.

Posted: 06/22/2015 2:35 PM

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