Creative Corner

Let your mind run wild. This is for all of you to be able to write and let others see your thoughts, your concerns, your insecurities, your hopes etc. Write a poem, a letter to your addiction or to the loved ones you've hurt. Write that letter to the addict in your life. It's up to you! Soon you will also have the ability to upload your artwork and songs that you've created.

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Four Walls of Addiction.

   I am sourrounded by four walls of addiction...The wall behind me is a constant reminder of what addiction has done in my life...This wall has many cracks, holes, where addiction has turned my life upside...It is filled with fear, agony of withdrawal, tormenting emotional pain, and a total loss of control...Much worse , is the pain I have caused my loved ones.'..

   The wall on the left represents self destruction...While in active addiction I sought many ways to end it all...Broken bones, floods of tears, and physical sickness were not enough! Addiction took me to a dark place, where I prayed to die...I didn't understand this place of loneliness, and unspeakable torment... I just wanted relief to feel good in life...This is where addiction grabbed me...

The wall in front of me is beautiful..This wall is freshly painted with a beautiful border that reaches beyond the horizon...This wall represents honor, and a love of life ...The wall is bright with dawn, and bright from the stars in the sky...This wall protects me and my desires free from addiction...

The wall to the right has all the colorful painted tools , that keeps me free from addiction...Yes, Today I can remain positive, seek meetings to upbuild me, and know how to live life on lifes' terms Gone is the darkness that seemed to swallow me..The wall to the right represents life and today I am happy to live it...

Written by Missymae..

Posted: 11/01/2012 1:30 PM

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