Creative Corner

Let your mind run wild. This is for all of you to be able to write and let others see your thoughts, your concerns, your insecurities, your hopes etc. Write a poem, a letter to your addiction or to the loved ones you've hurt. Write that letter to the addict in your life. It's up to you! Soon you will also have the ability to upload your artwork and songs that you've created.

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Dear Heroin
Dear Heroin, I have not talked to you and I thought it was long overdue. I think of you often. I wake in the morning and my first thought is you. I am amazed how you snuck into my home and life so silently. I did not see you come in. What is even more overwhelming is you lived in my home for years and I did not see you one time. As I drink my coffee I think further about you. I sit and wonder what crack in the foundation of my life did you seep into. You were silent. It was not until you robbed me of my first born daughter that I was formally introduced to you. I am not glad we met. I wanted to let you know how I really feel about you. it was with great seduction I am sure that you enticed her and lured her. It was with great precision that you managed to remove her and replace her soul with your seething misery. But that was not enough. You effected my marriage. It was not enough still. You needed to take more. You had to inflict yourself into my heart, you tried to take that along with my precious daughter. All if a sudden you had a ripple effect. You cascaded and reached into many others lives. Oh how diabolical you are. Appearing so helpful. But you devour. But most of all I would like to introduce myself. I am a mother. A mother who you are attempting to consume through my childs weakness. I use the word attempting for a reason. Let me further explain. Something I have been told about you is you are strong. What you do not know about me is I am also. See I can not take you away nor remove you and the illusion that you create. But I have my faith. I believe love conquers all. I love my daughter. I believe when I pray, God hears. Even more powerful than that is when I pray to my God he not only hears but he cares about my needs. He also told me that He will never leave me nor forsake me. I know his word does not return void. I have also been made aware that there are many types of battles. You are now one. But I will promise you this, you may have won the battle but you will not win the war. My daughter is my pride and joy. You tried to cause havoc on my marriage, well I must inform you that you failed there ,as my marriage is stronger than ever. You did not take my heart when you removed my daughter from me, you are making it stronger. And I hope that you enjoyed your visit in my daughter because My God delivers People from such disease. I believe he will be removing you shortly. It will be with great pleasure that I see you evicted from what you think is a permanent dwelling for you. I am regretful that we met. I make no apologies for my behavior or feelings towards you. I would also like to add that I hate you. Many nights I have went to bed thinking of you. Longing to understand you. I now know who you are and I know where you came from. Please be informed that your presence is no longer welcomed into my families life and angels will be ministering to my daughter. I think you will find that quite uncomfortable. Please make sure to take note that you have been informed by a loving mother who will never give up hope. Never give up faith. Never stop praying in Jesus' name. I will never stop unleashing my love and the love of God on my daughter. I am not weak. I am relentless. I am steadfast. I am a warrior. I will never give up. I will never fear you again. I will battle with you and fight. I will do what ever I have in my reach to prevail over you for my daughters sake. I am glad I introduced myself to you. I am MOM!

Posted: 07/16/2013 10:23 PM

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