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I have lived in my current place for about three years but actually don't know my neighbors very well except for the ones to my north. The wife told me that the people next to her on the other side were getting a divorce, were bringing up their daughter's son since his birth about ten years ago and, most recently, that the grandmother and the boy were living in the house instead of the grandfather and the boy. The boy's mother had returned to live with her father and son before the father moved out. BUT NOW her mother kicked her out, and she is living in her car in front of the house, apparently for some time. To get to the point, at about 3:00 a.m, I was up at the front of my house where the windows were open. I heard the daughter crying and sobbing, "let me into the house." She had a terrible cough, too. This went on for about a half hour, and I have not been able to sleep since. I woke up my husband and asked him what we should do. He said, "if her own mother won't let her into the house" then we should not either. This surprised me because his attitude with our son is so different. The problem for our son is addiction and the neighbor's daughter is said to be the same. She has beaucoup tattoos, probably all over her body. I have actually never spoken to her and to her grandmother only about twice. STILL my instincts were to open my door and at least let her use the toilet, give her a warm drink and a blanket. I was reviewing my inventory. Sleeping bag? I did not do anything because my husband didn't support the idea and also because of all the things I have read here and elsewhere about co-dependency. It is hard to stay the course. I keep thinking if human charity did not extend to this girl, if I failed to love this neighbor, then I was not living up to my ideals about what people should be and do for each other. Also, she was in pain and I can't stand to see any human or animal in pain. I am a pacifist who gets upset with the nightly news. So, not having done anything, I am now as awake and alert as can be. Is this girl reaching her bottom or can it be hoped that she is? I imagine myself in her place and get so anxious. I also imagine myself in her mother's place being pissed off at me for a temporary rescue when the girl needs to rescue herself. Am I doing the right thing? What if she is dying? Should I get dressed and take her to a hospital? Call the police and let them do that? I am probably going to mind my own business and do nothing but I am worried and guilty.

Posted: 08/28/2014 5:05 AM

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