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How do I tell suboxone or herion use?

How can I tell if my boyfriend is taking suboxone or getting high?? Heis a struggling heriod addict, got out of detox 15 days ago.   He says he's taking suboxone for the cravings and only admitted that because he has no ability to perform sexually, so he was "caught".  He says he's buying them on the street.  He's been an relapsing herion addict for 16 years and in and out of treatments so he knows his facts @ both.

I think he's usin, not suboxone, but he denies that.  Here are current signs; sexual dysfunction, depressed, goes between highs and lows, disappears with suspect reasons, seems high at times based on pupils, facial expression, slight incoherence, crazy eating of junk food, interrupted sleep patterns.

I don't see any shooting up and no track marks.  Could he be telling truth?  Is there anyway for me to prove one way or another if it's suboxon use or herion use. (I am a sober alcoholic, so don't know alot @ usin symptoms)?

Is the disinterest in sex, inability to get an erection a dead giveaway that he is shooting dope but attributing to suboxone?

thanks for your insights all.


Posted: 02/22/2011 7:18 AM

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In Response to: How do I tell suboxone or herion use?

No opiods will show up on a tests for opiates.

Why did he bother going to detox if he's still using drugs ? I doubt very highly he's buying suboxone on the street it is simply way to much more expensive than heroin. Even if he is buying suboxone on the streets he is exibiting the same addictive behaviors as he always has. That's not even a pathetically weak attempt at recovery,that's pure bullsnot.

Posted: 02/22/2011 12:40 PM

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In Response to: How do I tell suboxone or herion use?

All the characteristics of his current life sound just like an addict in active addiction. I don't know if its heroin or suboxone but heroin is cheaper. Why is he getting it off the streets and not part of a treatment plan if he just got out of detox? Doesn't make any sense. Drug test would show opiates if its heroin but he needs to go back to detox, or detox himself he isn't even trying to get clean. Buying anything off the streets isn't part of recovery.

Is he even trying to go to meetings?

Posted: 02/22/2011 1:49 PM

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In Response to: How do I tell suboxone or herion use?

If he is buying suboxine off the street and using heroin he could go into rapid detox and die. It is very dangerous. Addicts inject themselves in places you would not see also. See if he will take a drug test. If he is using he will not want to. Just that you are sharing here means that you are probably right. Trust your gut.

Posted: 02/22/2011 4:37 PM

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In Response to: How do I tell suboxone or herion use?

He could be doing both, at different times. My husband was on suboxone for 9 months and towards the end he started using pills again . Suboxone made him very disinterested in everything, had no energy, and wasn't interested in sex. His pupils also looked the same as when he was using. I agree with the above post though, suboxone is very expensive even with insurance. I know suboxone is not supposed to show up on a drug test, but I did a drug test on my husband once and it did. I bought a $ 40 dollar drug test that tested for everything separate. I can't remember if it came up as oxy or benziod, it was a while ago. My husband was adamant he had not used and went to the clinic where they treated him and they tested him and he was clean, then did the test for suboxone and it came up positive. They were baffled when he told them what happened and wanted the test so they could try to figure it out, but I had already thrown it out. If he really is serious about getting clean he should go get the suboxone from a Dr. or clinic because they will know how much he needs and be able to taper him off appropriately. Suboxone does have withdrawal symptoms that can be severe if not done correctly. Not to mention you really should be doing some kind of program with it, otherwise the same addictive behaviors will be there when you come off of the suboxone. My husband did not do anything to help his addiction at the time other than take the suboxone and tried to taper down way faster than recommended and he ended up right back where he started. 

Posted: 02/22/2011 10:06 PM

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