
This is the place to get it all out! Tell us what's on your mind. What's the worst thing you've done for your addiction? What's the worst thing that's happened to you because of your addiction? How have you been affected because of someone else's addiction? How has your life as an addict affected the ones you love? Reading and writing these confessions help us realize the impact that the addictions have over all of us. When posting your confession, you can choose to remain anonymous or let others see your profile name as to bring about discussions.

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AD lost his job
AD appears to have lost his job..his first real job ever. I am sorry to say that he did get me out to him. He said he had switched to a better job but they weren't paying him enough for his transportation costs during training (he moved pretty far from his job which makes no sense without a license). Long story short..I went to give him bus fare and he was so drunk and high. He made a huge scene in public and I just wanted to get him home so he got into the car and proceeded to scream at me about how we have wronged him and we made him into what he is. I was physically afraid of him. He belongs in a psychiatric facility or sure seems to when he is under the influence. We let him off way before he got home as he said he would yell things out the window to get us shot and he did. I was scared and emotionally overwrought, so was my sister. He took $30 from me for "food" and then all day today was an onslaught of messages berating me for "throwing him to the wolves." Now we are back to him saying he wants to go to rehab (maybe the 20th time) and he needs money for transitional housing etc. - same story as always. I told him he has job experience now & can work & pay for housing. Of course drinking on the job will not get you a ringing endorsement from your previous employer. I can't seem to just let go..He senses how desperate I am that he work and uses the threat of losing his job to get me to come out there with some money. Today, he tried again with story about broken phone which is "vital" to his job. I said I'd send his brother to pick it up and see to a repair, then all of a sudden he didn't have the phone on him (it's surely in a dozen pieces). He obviously wanted me to run out there with my purse again..lesson is up to him to procure and secure his own employment and the terms thereof..

Posted: 08/05/2014 12:21 AM

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