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My husband and I continue to support our son in every way possible as though he were a small child. He's been in the same job for going on two years and has been living in our rental house paying minimal part of his expenses for more than two years. Now he has a dog and we babysit the dog M-F with him picking up the dog and eating dinner with us after work. This is enabling at a really high level esp. since he continues to neglect all his adult responsibilities even to the dog. He's driving our car without a license. But he's also more normal in terms of his mood control and calmer in a general way. He is totally socially isolated, which is probably a good thing given who his friends USED to be. That is, his social contacts are not face to face but on the internet playing games. He works as a video game tester. He acquires his marijuana legally, but in great excess. With his insulin pump, his sugar is pretty much under control. He retains his disturbing hatred for his sister, cannot understand why her life is going comparably well or how her earning about 3 times as much as him is likely to influence her life for the good long term. We can probably continue to subsidize him maybe six months longer, but when the money is gone, his rage and hysteria will probably return. Like his grandfather and his uncle before him, he refuses to take his snout out of the family trough. He thinks we're suckers because we always worked instead of mooching off others or getting into the marijuana trade. Well, even in the absence of denunciations, rage, drama, constant crisis, I am getting sick of all this. I have been realizing that I actually don't like him very much. I am thinking that we need to list the house for sale next spring and maybe give him warning that he'll need to be out of the house by then. He always claims to hate living as far as he does from work. Or would I be aborting some sort of recovery prematurely?

Posted: 11/10/2014 9:42 PM

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