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Suboxone or not to suboxone
It has been long draining year. Daughter off probation . I do know that she slipped a few times. She manage to hang on to a job that was 3-5 hours long 5days a week. She had nothing to show for it. I confronted her. She then was in withdrawal one day. Got drugs to make it through to see a Dr for suboxone. I forked out $. She told me that she could not use opiates with it as it would make her very sick. She then got a script for large amount according to history she gave. She quit her job the next day. Told me that it was too stressful and made he want to use all the time. I thought well she is getting there...last hurdle. The very next day she quit her job. She had nothing to show for what she made anyway. Suppose she got sick of supporting her own habit.Then she was taking under what Dr. Subscribed to her. She told me that it was all she needed Nd wanted to make it last longer as it was expensive for me. Well then I notice money missing, TB syringes in her room with dissolved drugs on spoons. Confronted her. She was selling suboxone to get drugs. She agreed she would not steal $ from me. I now have suboxone hidden and give it to her when needed. I drew up a detailed contract to protect me. She will not sign. I looks like I need to Myers act her for evaluation. It was a joke before because she denied it and walked. I have paperwork to fill out to evict her. I am beyond tired! I find myself in a job I despise. I do not want to move some days. I remember listening to Dr. Phil's philosophy on this. "You do it, unless and until." Well I am spent! I feel like this is so one sided. Almost like the last one standing. Well I need to walk away. Maybe someday she will get it. I want her to talk to this Dr honestly. Should I hang in there the suboxone route? Lost, exhausted.

Posted: 02/08/2016 7:50 AM

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