Creative Corner

Let your mind run wild. This is for all of you to be able to write and let others see your thoughts, your concerns, your insecurities, your hopes etc. Write a poem, a letter to your addiction or to the loved ones you've hurt. Write that letter to the addict in your life. It's up to you! Soon you will also have the ability to upload your artwork and songs that you've created.

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Humpy Dumpty's Recovery Masquerade

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again.

Mrs. Dumpty thought he was strong, Mrs. Dumpty learned she was wrong. She knew he had a shell and thought it was thick, never seeing the cracks, not knowing he was sick.

Little Dumpty's idyllic world fell apart, Little Dumpty had to (for a time) cradle his own little heart. He watched innocently, wanting to cry and to shout..... his 2nd grade "family portrait" showed Mom very tired and "Daddy flipping out".

The Dumpty 20-Somethings took off in a flash, The Dumpty 20-Somethings weren't about to stick around for the crash. They bore witness for years to what was occurring as our home became a house with lines between love and chaos blurring.

Dumpty 30-Something has a good life, Dumpty 30-Something appreciates being a non-addict's wife. Mrs. Dumpty wants her to know she'd like to be around more but appreciates knowing that 30-something has wings and will always soar.

The family of Humpty preferred "not to engage", The family of Humpty knew of his rage. They distanced themselves and "hoped he'd get better" yet ceased even sending Humpty as much as a letter.

Humpty Dumpty lived a big lie, Humpty Dumpty didn't care who might die. There was, for Humpty, a "relationship" to guard for life without drugs would be just too hard.

Mrs. Dumpty's heart was broken, Mrs. Dumpty cried "the truth was not spoken!". She prayed for her Prince Humpty to return, while he callously lit the match and let her dreams burn.

Humpty Dumpy didn't care.  Humpty Dumpty was no longer there.  He heard what he wanted to while he played "masquerade" in AA, "It's about ME", "Screw the responsibilities", "I will not stay!".

Mrs. Dumpty, in order to cope.... Mrs. Dumpty learned to let go of hope.  She and Little Dumpty must make a new life, Humpty no longer had the need for a child or wife.

Ex Mrs. Dumpty will recover and maybe even love again, of this she is certain, Ex Mrs. Dumpty will learn where Humpty is concerned to permanently close the curtain. She will rid her face and her heart of each crack he inflicted, Finally accepting that he was never the man he depicted.

Dumpty's words were brilliant, manipulative and charming Dumpty's a narcissist, an addict, capable only of harming. The dope he stole, the people he played, the pain he inflicted were the least of his crimes. The hearts he robbed from, should he ever have a moment of sanity, I hope will haunt him for all time.

Posted: 07/05/2011 2:01 AM

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