
This is the place to get it all out! Tell us what's on your mind. What's the worst thing you've done for your addiction? What's the worst thing that's happened to you because of your addiction? How have you been affected because of someone else's addiction? How has your life as an addict affected the ones you love? Reading and writing these confessions help us realize the impact that the addictions have over all of us. When posting your confession, you can choose to remain anonymous or let others see your profile name as to bring about discussions.

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Another way to think about it
I have learned a lot in the last year, one thing that surprised me is about the disease of addiction. The drug use is not the disease, it is a symptom of the disease. It is a disease about feelings. Just by pausing the drugs doesn't cure the disease. This is why it is important and essential that just stopping needs to be accomanied by something that includes working on the deeper issues. Counseling, 12 steps etc. When my husband would pause his drinking, even then I knew it was just a matter of time before he would drink again. When I see my daughter still after 4 years, going to meetings, talking to her sponsor and sponsoring as well as advocating I don't have that same doomed feeling. They are using the drugs to suppress the feelings and getting physically addicted may just be the horrible consequence. Could it be that is why the people that just paused their addiction in my life were still kind of jerks? Because they didn't have the tools and support to handle real life, that is why it didn't last.

Posted: 05/28/2015 3:39 AM

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