Creative Corner

Let your mind run wild. This is for all of you to be able to write and let others see your thoughts, your concerns, your insecurities, your hopes etc. Write a poem, a letter to your addiction or to the loved ones you've hurt. Write that letter to the addict in your life. It's up to you! Soon you will also have the ability to upload your artwork and songs that you've created.

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found this, thought I would share, we all wait for the addicts in our lives

I will wait…..

I will wait. I will wait for you. These are the words that taunt me. Why? Waiting. Hoping. Praying.  These are qualities that an addict like me does not possess so easily.

Looking back as far as I can remember I have waited for something. I have waited for someone or something to make everything better. If I just had this person or this thing or this place I would be whole. I would be complete. I just need to wait. Sometimes those things would come into my life and I would become happier and others times I never held the thing in my hand that I thought I was waiting for. That’s life though. Waiting. But what if the thing you waited for was life…. Someone else’s life?

That’s what I wait for. I wait for the day that you get sober. I wait for the day where the lies, the deception, the hurt stops. I wait for the day when I do not have to stay up and worry anymore. I wait for the day that what binds us together is more than love; it is a passion for life. Addiction brought us together in another way. We bonded. We nodded.  Hell we laughed but those days have been over for me for years now. I have been waiting for you. I have been waiting for the day when you decide that you want what I have and to be happy. I wait for you to live along side me again.

I wait for the day when you call and say I am done. I wait for the day when you scream for help because you give up. I wait for the day when you wave the white flag so high and quick that it cannot be mistaken for anything but a sign of defeat.

I wait. It is hard for an addict like me. I have God to help pass the time, and a bunch of other distractions  - like the Harlem Shake videos – but nothing will take away from the longest line I have ever been in… just waiting.

I will wait…..for you.

Posted: 02/23/2013 8:17 AM

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